Today, we talk about unselfish authority because history has enough stories about leaders who misused their power. We are interested in one who was in position to do that but didn’t. His name was Mordecai. He Used His Authority Unselfishly even though he received a position of great authority. But come to think of it, just how great was his authority? Let’s consider what Esther chapter 9 verse 4 says. Read.
His authority quickly grew even more than that of Haman, the prime minister before him. The house of Haman was under his control at the time. He then had authority for sealing state documents.
Mordecai didn’t stop there. After Haman was dead, we see Mordecai in action… Esther chapter 9 verses 20 to 22, and verses 28 explains. Read.
Did you take note what the Bible says in verse 27? The Jews celebrated on account of what Mordecai wrote in the letters. They celebrated two days, and made those days memorable each year. Were those days meant to honor Mordecai? No. Mordecai instituted a yearly observance to honor Jehovah. It was a festival organized to remember how Jehovah saved the jews from their enemies. Against what any critic may claim negatively, both Mordecai and Esther were servants of the true God Jehovah, and the festival was established to honor the true God.
Mordecai continued to use his authority unselfishly. For one thing, he worked for the good of God’s people. Let’s read about that from Esther chapter 10 verse 3. Read. He worked also to the benefit of the descendants of the Jews.
What can we learn from the example of Mordecai? Take a look at the image where you see two people. A young man and an old woman. That’s an example of an overseer who willingly treats the flock of God with tenderness.
Truly, today, those who have a measure of authority in Jehovah’s organization do their best to imitate Mordecai’s example.​