‘I haven’t had sxx in two years because men are intimidated by me – but I’m not giving up’ she says.
“I’m not celibate by choice – I [just] can’t find the right guy. My sex drive is still going strong… I masturbate daily.”
A lady, a model, has laid bare her heartbreak at not having been on a proper date for about two years because men are “too scared” to approach her.
She’s Amber Johanssen. Here’s a woman who has droves of fans online who shower her with attention, with nearly 500,000 followers on Instagram yet, none to be truly intimate with her.
According to her, offline is a different situation entirely.
The Swedish model believes being an influencer and model is putting prospective boyfriends off.
Speaking to an online publication, Amber – who earns around $60,000 a month through her content creation, said she hasn’t been on a date or had sex in two years.
She added that she can’t find the right guy, though her sex drive is still going strong… “I masturbate daily.”
Her job hinders her love life and sex life, with most guys scared to approach her.
She said the last time she tried to organize a date, the guy cancelled the date at the last minute.
“I honestly think he was intimidated by my success and beauty.”
She concluded: “Men have told me that they don’t take me seriously and that they would be embarrassed by being with me.”