is proud to announce the launch of CHARLIE, an innovative AI-powered smart electronic monitoring app designed to help Substance Use Disorder (SUD) Treatment Facilities/Operations monitor patients’ recovery progress for typically 180 days post-discharge from the treatment facility/operation.
From the data generated from patients, our proprietary, predictive algorithms and easy access to our CHARLIE Care Team, we believe CHARLIE can prevent already extraordinarily high relapse rates through initiation of relapse prevention techniques, capture re-admissions should relapse occur, and track real-time patient outcome data post-discharge from treatment center clients.
The CHARLIE APP is available at a highly affordable per patient per month price point, and we believe the aforementioned smart monitoring capabilities will carry with it exceptionally high ROI for treatment centers.
Inspired by the Gorski-CENAPS Model, CHARLIE tracks patients’ recovery progress and provides visibility into patients’ mental states via digital monitoring. This can dramatically improve prediction rates of relapses and detect if/when relapse occurs. CHARLIE uses rolling weekly data collected from answers to Likert-scaled, daily check-in questions as well as biometric data. These data are placed into our proprietary algorithms to stratify subgroups of patients showing greatest probability of impending relapse. This should enable Alumni staff at Treatment Facilities to “triage-sort” outgoing calls to Alumni patients, thus improving both the efficiency and success of Alumni staff.
“The transition from fee-for-services to fee-for-outcomes for many healthcare providers is underway and will only intensify over the next 5 to 7 years. We do not believe the SUD Treatment Facilities/Operation industry will remain moderately impervious to these evolving payment structures by payers and that in time commercial payers will raise the bar on post-discharge patient outcomes for these treatment providers,” said Greg T Bolan Jr., the architect of CHARLIE.
The National Institutes of Health estimates that between 40-60% of all SUD patients will experience relapse, which means that connecting with patients early and often is a critical part of helping them bypass or overcome relapse. While relapse is a normal part of recovery, for some drugs, it can be very dangerous—even deadly. If a person uses as much of the drug as they did before quitting, they can easily overdose because their bodies are no longer adapted to their previous level of drug exposure. An overdose happens when the person uses enough of a drug to produce uncomfortable feelings, life-threatening symptoms, or death.
It should be noted that in our decades of experience with all facets of addiction, we have found relapse rates closer to 70% 180 days post-discharge from traditional on-site treatment centers.
The CHARLIE Care Team frequently monitors patients’ recovery progress and are available 24/7 to Alumni patients who do relapse. With such monitoring and patient contact, believe SUD treatment centers can provide better long-term patient outcomes and more easily capture re-admissions.
CHARLIE is now available for accredited Treatment Facilities/Operations and can be accessed at The APP is available for download on iPhone or Droid.
*Full Disclosure: CHARLIE was invented by Another Way Recovery Services, Inc. — — Chairman and Founder, Greg T Bolan Jr. and developed by a highly sophisticated APP development team. AWRS provides SUD treatment services AT-HOME ONLY in NC, TN, and GA. AWRS signs and strictly adheres to non-solicitation agreements with Treatment Facility/Operation patients using CHARLIE.