• Food: Milk bread prep…

    Condensed milk bread
    2½ cups of flour
    ¼ cup of condensed milk
    ⅓ to 1 cup of milk
    ½ tbsp of yeast
    1 tbsp of sugar
    ¼ cup of melted margarine
    2 eggs (1 as egg wash)
    Pinch of salt
    Raphiats lifestyle
    See photos for food prep below
  • Hike in materials – Bread producers threaten strike

    The unprecedented increase in bakery materials and the neglect of the Federal Government to this matter, have made bread producers vow a nationwide strike.

    They issued a communiqué stating that the cost of flour, sugar and other materials used in the bakery business had skyrocketed beyond the reach of many bakers.

    As a result, the bakers stated that they would down tools from July 13, 2022.

    The bakers said efforts to get the government’s intervention in the matter had been unsuccessful, as there had been no positive response from the concerned ministries, departments, and agencies of government.

    The communiqué stated that the council reviewed the “neglect of the Federal Government in addressing the challenges facing our sector as captured in our letters acknowledged by the Federal Ministry of Industry, Trade and Investment, Federal Ministry of Finance, Central Bank of Nigeria and unproductive intervention of the Secretary to the Government of the Federation.

    “Increase in prices of bakery materials especially flour and sugar having reached unprecedented levels, for example, flour is now between N25,000 and N27,500, so also other ingredients.

    “The National Wheat Cultivation Committee already constituted is yet to be inaugurated after over one year. NAFDAC, SON, NESREA have turned the bakers into money-making machines by charging our member’s outrageous levies even at this very challenging moment.

    “Consequently, the NEC in session resolved that all zones, state, Local Governments, and units of our association should commence full mobilization of our members nationwide to embark on withdrawal of services starting from Wednesday, July 13, 2022, for an initial period of two weeks.”

    The team, however, noted that its “members should await further directives.”