• Guy with HIV positive parents narrates his story

    Few weeks ago my dad told me he is HIV positive, when he told me I was disappointed but I made sure I didn’t show it and I encouraged him… Him and my mother has been sick for a while and I certainly know he has transferred it to my mum…. My dad was very promiscuous when he was younger even after he married my mom he was still promiscuous. I am the only child and I have been footing the bills for their medical cares I am just 26 years old and I have spent so much and there is more spending still to come…. My father only told me, my mother is not aware of her health status all she thinks it’s just a normal sickness happening to her. I have no one to talk to, I don’t trust any friends because I believe when I tell them, they will certainly spread the news and you know the stigmatization against HIV patients, it’s not good… I am frustrated, depressed and financially drained, sometimes I stay in my room and cry…. To avoid thinking, sometimes I just drink some alcohol… This issue has been in my heart for several weeks I just had to put it on Nairaland to ease my pain. My father just called me today that my mom has been admitted to the hospital, she was too weak to even walk…. Another spending and I am running out of cash, don’t know what to do anymore. It wouldn’t be this severe if they found out earlier, it’s almost late. May God help me and my parents.