• Biden walked away from presenting the Medal of Honor…

    US President Joe Biden pulled off another strange performance during a public appearance this week. During the awarding of the war hero, he left the stage during the ceremony and walked away in the middle of the hall with an absent-minded expression. According to the spokesperson of the White House, he was worried that the hero would not be infected with covid, which his wife had fallen ill with. Still, footage of the embarrassing moment is drawing attention on social media and has drawn criticism from war veterans.

    Biden walked away from presenting the Medal of Honor to 81-year-old helicopter pilot, Vietnam War veteran Larry Taylor, immediately after speaking briefly about him and placing the medal around his neck. He did not wait for the conclusion of the ceremony with a prayer, which followed in the east wing of the White House.

    White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre explained in retrospect that the 80-year-old Biden wanted to minimize the risk of the one-year-old veteran or others present being infected with covid, which his wife Jill was reinfected with a few days ago.
    “Ah, that’s… uhhh.” The 81-year-old head of the US Senate Republicans got stuck for half a minute.

    However, the spokesperson’s explanation does not completely agree with the fact that Biden took off his mask while presenting the award and delivering a short speech and also joked about wearing it. “They keep telling me it has to be 10 days or something, that I have to keep wearing it. Don’t tell them I wasn’t wearing it when I came,” he said to reporters, according to Britain’s Daily Mail.
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    Whatever the reason for Biden’s strange exit from Tuesday’s ceremony, it is yet another in a series of missteps during his public appearances. Biden often confuses the names of his relatives, appearing confused and uncertain. According to critics, this is related to his advanced age and indicates his fading mental freshness. Both Biden and his aides insist he is fit and ready to run again.
    For three-quarters of Americans, Biden is too old for another term.

  • Why Burden may lose…

    Given this all of this, it’s not irrational to conclude that Trump can’t win this election. In fact, I believe he can’t. The public does not trust him to handle the problems the country faces, and they are rejecting across the board his vision of America. Nixon won the culture war in 1972. Trump’s vision of the US, rooted in 1970’s America, is doomed to failure in my opinion.
    But the election is not really over for one reason — Biden can lose this election. He’s run a very effective campaign to date, but now we’re getting to crunch time as many Americans are just starting to focus on the race. To avoid a Biden loss, I believe he must do the following over the next 99 days.
