• How to Get A Correct Guy To Propose Marriage To You

    In a previous post (https://www.nairaland.com/8096971/getting-correct-lady-say-yes) where I, amongst other things, drew a portrait of who a correct lady is, I emphasized the fact that marriage is one of God’s core strategies to empower us to become all He has destined us to be with great ease. In other words, you are primarily aiming to marry a member of the opposite gender not for sex or childbearing or companionship sake, but the most important thing is that they have the configuration to play a unique and pivotal role in helping you fulfill destiny (becoming all God has destined you to be) with great ease.

    Now, as a lady, if you want to enjoy the full dividends of marriage with peace of mind, you have to go the bible way (God’s way) and not as dictated by imperfect societal standards and opinions. This means you have to be patient with God to bless you with a man who has the configurations to help you fulfill destiny and must not agree to marry a random guy just because of physical considerations (money, height, complexion, etc).

    I want you to remember this, like Eve, if God will lead you to a correct guy who can help you navigate your journeys in destiny, you must also be a correct lady who can be an adequate helper to him too. To attract a correct man, you must be a correct lady too. And to have such a configuration, you must be genuinely saved, submitted to the Holy Spirit, and have started running with destiny.

    I explained all these in full detail in my books “Getting A Correct Lady To Say Yes To Your Marriage Proposal” and “Getting A Correct Guy To Propose Marriage To You”.

    In the context of our conversations here (about marriage), a correct guy is a male God has configured to help you fulfill your destiny as your husband. He is not only saved (submitted to the Lordship of Jesus and the government of the Holy Spirit), but is already running with destiny even as a single guy. A guy who is useful and beneficial to God his Creator will translate into a quality husband for you.

  • What you can do if in a childless marriage


    That may not be a good idea.

    What can the couple do about it?

    1. First eat healthy food and do some physical exercise, walking one hour is good too. If over weight reduce.

    2. Then both of you get checked to find out who is having problems, confirm. Your doctor will correct your problem if possible .

    3. Or suggest a fertility clinic for help. In vitro fertilisation is common nowadays. Try that out. Costly procedure though.

    4. If not, adopting is an option. Adopt legally a few months old baby and enjoy bringing up a child from infancy.

    5. Last option get a lawyer, divorce your husband if your husband is at fault. Mutual divorce is faster.

     6.Then do whatever you want to get a child.

    Don’t cheat on your husband just to get pregnant. It is wrong to let him love and bring up another person’s child as his own. The guilt will kill you.

  • To be truly united, what should a husband and wife do?

    Why did Jehovah choose Joseph and Mary to be the parents of the future Messiah?

    Jehovah chose them because of the personal relationship they had with Jehovah, and Jehovah knew that they would build their marriage around their love for him, thereby be able to take care of his only begotten son.

    Why must a husband and wife spend time with each other?

    Spending time with each other helps them so they are less likely to drift apart​—mentally and emotionally. Lilia, married for over 15 years said that because their days as a couple were consumed by secular work, housework, and later their children, she said they found that if they didn’t make time for themselves as a couple, they could draw away from each other.

    What activities did Aquila and Priscilla share in together?

    They were engaged in secular worked, they preached, and helped others to gain accurate knowledge of the truth. Of special note is the fact that when the Bible mentions Aquila and Priscilla, it always mentions them together.

    To be truly united, what should a husband and wife do?

    Apart from spending time with each other, they must give attention to their spouse needs. That’s what it means to spend quality time with each other. There must be no distractions.
    That’s why Bruno said and I quote him: we put away our cell phones and enjoy the time with each other.

    Why is respect vital in order to keep a couple’s love alive?

    Respect is like the oxygen that allows a campfire to burn brightly. If there’s no oxygen, a fire quickly goes out. In the same way, without respect, a couple will find that their love can quickly grow cold.

    How do married couples benefit by working to keep their love alive?

    They will build your life together around Jehovah, honoring Him, and they will make time for each other, and respect each other’s feelings and needs. Problems will be few, if there’s any. Their love may even grow stronger forever.