• Comedian admitted exposing himself to a woman in a BBC building

    Russell Brand admitted he was ‘very promiscuous’ at the time the accusations from four women happened.

    Yet, he says these accusations are untrue… He sited his consensual relationship as being constant.

    But now, a new revelation came up.

    Responding to the accusations of rape, sexual assault and emotional abuse made by four anonymous women in Channel 4’s Dispatches and The Times and Sunday Times, Russell Brand admitted he was ‘very promiscuous’ at the time.

    But he insisted the allegations of these ‘extremely egregious and aggressive attacks’ were untrue because the sexual relationships he had were ‘absolutely, always consensual’.

    Yet it would appear that Brand’s appalling behavior was not always consensual.

    Because on Thursday night it emerged that he had admitted exposing himself to a woman in a BBC building in Los Angeles.

    The woman, known as Olivia, worked in a company that shared offices with the BBC.

    She claims she went to the bathroom to get some medication only to discover that Brand was standing behind her.

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