• How does patience help us in our dealings with others?

    What is another way to demonstrate patience?

    In situations requiring quick action, if a patient person has an important task to accomplish, he or she doesn’t rush into it; or rush through doing it. The reasonable thing is to set a reasonable amount of time to plan and give the task the time it requires.

    How does patience help us in our dealings with others?

    When we are patient, we listen attentively when others speak. We promote peace, and don’t react too quickly, saying something unkind when we are under stress. When someone hurts our feelings instead of retaliating, we will be slow to anger, continue putting up with one another always ready to forgive.

    How can a Christian develop and maintain patience?

    The first thing a christian can do is pray for more patience. A christian can ask Jehovah to help in cultivating fruitage of the spirit. It’s an on-going thing if we continually face pressures.

    Another side to to beg Jehovah to help us see matters from his point of view. Then after praying, we need to do our best to be patient each day. As time goes on, when we work towards it, patience will become a part of our personality.

    How has Jesus perfectly imitated his Father’s patience?

    It may not have been easy for Jesus to display and maintain patience, especially toward the hypocritical scribes and Pharisees. But Jesus was slow to anger. When he was insulted or provoked he did not retaliate in kind. He patiently endured trials without complaining.

    Publishers meet with an angry householder who responded in hostility. However, the brother, in order to imitate Jesus’ patient attitude, calmly explains himself, not responding with anger.

    16. What are some benefits of being patient?

    Patience gives us opportunity to happier and calmer. We improve our mental and physical health. We enjoy better relationships with others. Our congregation becomes more united. We prevent negative situation from getting worse. We imitate our heavenly Father and draw even closer to him.

    How can we develop more patience?

    We can pray for more patience every day. Patience is an aspect of the fruitage of the spirit.When we face a situation that tests our patience, we “keep on asking” for the fruitage of spirit to help us be patient. We can also beg Jehovah to help us see matters from his point of view. Then we need to do our best to be patient each day. In our study of the scriptures, we can imitate Jehovah, Jesus, and other faithful servants of Jehovah and imitate their patience. Soon, the quality of patience will take root in us and become part of our personality.