9. (a) What does Satan really want from true worshippers, and how does he try to tempt us? (b) What does our worship involve? (See the box “What Is Worship?”)
A) He wants us to worship him. To this end, he tries to tempt true worshippers to go in opposition to God’s will. He tries to lure us to seek wealth and power in his world rather than pursue a Christian course that may involve persecution.
B) Our worship to Jehovah is a sacred service that involves witnessing to others, sharing in meetings at our Kingdom Hall, and caring for and constructing our meeting places. We also render sacred service when we participate in family worship, support the relief work for needy fellow believers, volunteer at our conventions, or serve at Bethel.
11. How can we resist Satan and his temptations?
We can resist Satan and the temptations if we imitate Jesus, who strongly opposed the devil. Like Jesus, we have a choice. Jehovah supports us with the precious gift of free will which no powerful, wicked spirit Tempter—can force us to abandon pure worship. We can say Go away, Satan! when we are firm in the faith.
13. How is pure worship involved in the issue of sovereignty?
Pure worshippers recognize the one who created all things as stated in Rev 4:11. Satan told Jehovah that humans don’t need to worship him because we can take care of ourselves and even be equal to God. Yet, what he wanted was for worship to be diverted so that he can get all the worship and recognition due to Jehovah. True worshippers recognize that such worship can only be given to Jehovah who created all things.