• Organizations Are at Risk of Cyberattack

    Research from Adarma, an independent leader in detection and response services, has revealed that organizations believe that they are at significant risk of cyberattack due to stressed and exhausted staff. The report, entitled “A False Sense of Cybersecurity: How Feeling Safe Can Sabotage Your Business,” highlights the worry faced by cybersecurity professionals when it comes to security, the skills shortage, and poor well-being.

    Based on a survey* of 500 cybersecurity professionals from UK organizations with over 2000 employees, Adarma found that over half (51%) of organizations believe their security operations staff are challenged, stressed, frustrated and/or exhausted, so it’s only a matter of time before mistakes are made, and some are burnt out and ready to quit. At a time when the cybersecurity industry already struggles significantly with talent acquisition and retention, organizations cannot afford to lose staff to burnout.

    The findings also reveal the importance and value of diversity in cybersecurity recruitment. Optimistically, two-thirds (66%) believe recruiting from a wider, more diverse talent pool would offer significant help with the cybersecurity skills shortage. Additionally, 35% would consider working with a third-party provider for diversity strategies and to benefit from a more diverse team of talent. In fact, nearly two-thirds (61%) of cybersecurity professionals believe that a lack of different perspectives and diverse representation is holding them back.

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