• Doctor reveals why you should be careful of hospitals and doctors

    In an interview, the following statement was made by a doctor who’s been practicing for many years…


    Unfortunately, not many doctors today actually care about the health of their patients. I would even go as far as to say they couldn’t care less. They just do their job and get paid for it. They don’t care if you get well or not. That’s why without a second thought they prescribe whatever their superiors or the Ministry tell them to. And what they’re told to prescribe are metformin-based drugs, since their sale brings good profits. And it also provides an effect, albeit a temporary one.

  • Diabetes: Food to avoid to keep sugar level okay

    Here are some foods to avoid if you have diabetes.

    These foods will allow the body to go beyond limits of sugar, so avoid them.

    Click here to take a look at the foods you must avoid if you have diabetes.