Tag: USA
Trump confronts repeated booing during Libertarian convention speech
Donald Trump was booed repeatedly while addressing the Libertarian Party National Convention on Saturday night, with many in the crowd shouting insults and decrying him for things like his COVID-19 policies, running up towering federal deficits and lying about his political record. When he took the stage, many jeered while some supporters clad in “Make…
Reasons Why Crypto Is Top Policy Issue
The passing of FIT21 in the House of Representatives, moving forward to the Senate, is the latest sign that crypto is increasingly a political issue, a non-partisan issue, and one that matters to voters, investors, and policymakers alike. Additionally the fact that the House passed a bill that would ban the Federal Reserve from ever…
President Biden signs most sweeping gun violence bill in decades – called it “a historic achievement”
President Joe Biden on Saturday signed the most sweeping gun violence bill in decades, a bipartisan compromise that seemed unimaginable until a recent series of mass shootings, including the massacre of 19 students and two teachers at a Texas elementary school. “Time is of the essence. Lives will be saved,” he said in the Roosevelt…
What the US can learn from Ukraine
The US army is getting ready to use the tactics that they learned from the Russia-Ukraine war, as the soldiers train for future fights against an army like that of Russia and China. Here’s how the training unfolds: Next training will focus on how to battle an enemy willing to destroy a city with rocket…
The U.S. Watches as China Moves Ahead in Africa
China’s support for the ideologically driven freedom movements in Africa during the Cold War years was paid back when the African vote in 1971 pushed China over the threshold to claim its seat at the United Nations. While their mutual interest is the legacy of those times, mutual economic and strategic interests have drawn them…
What’s responsible for fall in USA police officers?
Recently released data suggests there are fewer police officers per person in the United States that at any point in the last 25 years. The figures are from the Census Bureau’s Annual Survey of Public Employment and Payroll. According to recent federal data there were 214 officers per 100,000 Americans in 2019, which represents a…
US Army Pushes for Missile to Reach Moscow
US Army leaders are looking to field a new ground-to-ground missile with a range of more than 900 miles. Since the US left the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty in August 2019, it has pursued several such weapons, which violate the treaty’s peace-promoting parameters. Brig. Gen. John Rafferty, director of the US Army’s Long-Range Precision…
Surprising allegations up on Hunter Biden…
Bombshell emails obtained by the New York Post made headlines on 14 October, as they suggested that Joe Biden was involved in his son’s overseas business affairs after all. The rapid spread of the story was, however, impeded by Facebook and Twitter, both of which limited users from sharing it under various pretexts. Hunter Biden,…
To understand the backlash against the women in the running for vice president, watch more TV
President Allison Taylor of ‘24’ ends up being exposed as Machiavellian. 20th Century Fox Karrin Vasby Anderson, Colorado State University Joe Biden’s promise to name a woman running mate has prompted familiar debates about gender and power. Are these potential vice presidents supposed to be presidential lackeys or understudies to the leader of the free…